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What's a Lead Magnet and How Can it Drive Traffic to Your Website?

Also called an opt-in, digital incentive, or a content upgrade, simply put, a lead magnet is a term used when a visitor to your site is given the option to receive something from you via email. Some content upgrade examples include: a quiz that helps your customers learn more about themselves, a tip sheet that answers a common question, or something as simple as a coupon code and free shipping on one of your products. Whatever it is, make sure it’s of interest to most of your visitors and that it’s straightforward to access and digest. You also want it to be relatively easy for you to make and/or deliver. Since it’s a freebie, you don’t need to give away some new, elaborate product! 

That's the basic rundown, but there's a lot more nuance to the process of developing a lead magnet than you might think. Ready to dive in? Read below for lead magnet tips and tricks to help generate new leads for your business. 

How do I create a lead magnet?

  • Make it specific... Generic, overly general content falls flat for customers. Ensure your lead magnet has specific, actionable steps the customer can take. Are you offering tips they can immediately apply to their own life or business? A quiz that offers practical insights they can act on? An FAQ sheet that answers their most pressing questions? In any case, make sure the lead magnet is targeted and delivers tangible value to the customer.  

  • ...But not so specific it doesn't appeal to a wide customer base. Remember that you want to cast a wide net in your marketing efforts. Don't alienate potential customers by developing overly specific content that doesn't seem relevant to them. 

  • Make it easy to download and access. Whatever form your lead magnet takes, it should be a piece of cake for your customers to access. Customers don't want to wait; they want the content instantly at the touch of a button. Ensure your email marketing is set up appropriately to deliver the content to your audience upon opt-in. Don't lose out on leads due to delays!

  • Answer a question or help solve a problem for the customer. Your lead magnet should provide content your customers crave, information that can help them better themselves and solve problems in concrete, practical ways. Part of the strategy of lead magnets is anticipating customers' questions and needs. Look through company data to understand what customers' common questions and concerns are before coming up with content upgrade ideas. 

  • Make the benefit clear to the customer. In a world of information overload, customers are more discerning than ever about what they'll read and interact with. If your customers have to dig to find the value, you'll risk losing them from the getgo. It's critical that the benefit of the content be front and center. Provide opportunities for consumers to actively interact with your lead magnet, rather than just passively glancing at it, so it feels both memorable and valuable.  

If you’re in need of some help developing a lead magnet, check out this post or this one here for lead magnet examples and tips for crafting opt-in language. 

Email marketing is a key element of branding best practices, and is often considered the golden ticket to engaging with your customers in deep, meaningful ways. Your customer’s inbox is their personal, sacred space where they (hopefully) only receive messages from brands they know, like, and trust. As opposed to interruption marketing—soliciting customers through unanticipated and unwelcome messages or ads with little or no interest or value for the recipient—permission marketing gives you the opportunity to really show up for your customer and to build a relationship with them that goes beyond a website or a social media post. How does all of that translate to helping your business? Read below to find out!

How can lead magnets help my business?

Benefits of lead magnets include:

  • Building an intimate connection with your customers that generates leads. Did you know that 70% of people will never return to your website after their first visit? They become lost in the internet ether: untraceable and anonymous. Lead magnets are a tried and true way to make an immediate connection with a customer, and to maintain that connection through regular email contact. What's more, if the content you give them is magnetic enough, they'll have no choice but to keep coming back for more.  

  • Establishing your value and expertise as a business. Lead magnets add value and offer your customer something before they even hire or buy from you. They also help to establish you as an expert or leader in your field, and differentiate you from competitors. Offering useful content -- before your customer pays a cent -- immediately proves your worth. Don't miss the chance to preemptively earn a customer's trust. 

  • Staying in touch with your audience to establish multiple touchpoints. Having access to a customer's email address is a powerful thing. Capturing this information allows you more touchpoints with customers, whether it's providing company updates, information about new products, or new content for them to interact with. Each point of contact represents another opportunity to draw customers to your site and for them to form a connection with your brand. 

  • Offering a nice welcome to your site visitor that keeps them coming back. Sending customers free content can create a personal touch. You're not just waiting for customers to read your site and reach out to you -- you're proactively welcoming them and delivering value right off the bat. They say you never get a second chance at a first impression. Make that first impression count by facilitating a personal, value-driven bond with your customer from the outset. 

You might ask: Is this just a nice-to-have, or does my brand need a lead magnet? The data indicates that yes, you really do need one. Companies are 3 times more likely to get a higher ROI from inbound marketing, as opposed to outbound. Lead magnet ROI is one of the most important sources of company growth, and can develop brand awareness and enhance your brand positioning. Lead magnets are all about establishing a connection with a customer, and proving your value, even before they decide to work with or buy from you. Making your lead magnets specific, easily accessible, and valuable is essential to ensuring you're maximizing their benefit. Don't miss out on the chance to deliver instant value to your customers and leave them hungry for more. 

We'd love to hear from you! What lead magnet ideas have you come up with? Have you built an interactive quiz? Taken the company newsletter to a whole new level? Let us know in the comments!

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Do you need help creating a lead magnet to drive traffic to your website? 

We can help!